If you were a kid sometime in the last 60 years you probably came across the phenomenon that is Trolls. They sold the lucky charm ones when I was a kid and were everywhere. Pencil toppers, erasers, dolls, stuffed animals you name it, we had it. Now funko has released a new line of pop bringing back the original look of the troll doll with crazy looking hair and jewels on most of their bellies. You can take a look at what they have out for pre-order now, and you may want to grab one if you know someone who loved these as a kid.
Teal Troll

Rainbow Troll

Pink Troll

Orange Troll

And these are just the ones that Amazon has up for pre-order right now. You can get each for just $10.99 and they release December 26th. Unfortunately too late for Christmas but maybe if they ship earlier than the release date you will have a magical Christmas surprise.