Have you been an anime fan on the internet for more than ten years? Well, chances are you’ve dabbled in Gaia Online. Have you been an anime fan on the internet for more than five minutes? Well, chances are you’ve heard of Fanime. However, attendees for Fanime 2018 in San Jose will get to experience both simultaneously, because Gaia Interactive is having a panel!
Gaia Online describes itself on it’s “What is Gaia?” page as, “Gaia Online is more than just an online hangout. It’s a world populated with millions of people gathering to chat, play games, watch movies, and show off their creativity through customized avatars, profiles, and journals.”
On Sunday of the convention, at noon, Gaia Interactive will be hosting their own one hour panel! The description listed says “Join Lanzer, Zero Omega, and other Gaia Online team members for the official Gaia Online Panel! You’ll get to learn about new and exciting updates to Gaia. Meet many of the staff members that make up Gaia, and have a chance to earn some really awesome prizes including items and Gaia Platinum!”
Excited? Nostalgic? You bet we are!