Yooka-Laylee is a game with a storied past. The game was poised to be a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie. In fact, the game was expected to recapture the essence of 3D platforming games that has largely been absent from modern gaming. Based on these promises, the game was crowdfunded relatively quickly.
Originally, Playtonic Games aimed for a Wii U release in addition to a PS4, PC, and Xbox One release. However, they shortly announced after that the Wii U version was cancelled, and development had been moved to a version for Nintendo Switch. Many fans and supporters yearned for the game on a Nintendo console because a 3D platformer would feel at home on Nintendo hardware. Finally, a release date has been given for the Nintendo Switch version. Yooka-Laylee comes to the Switch on December 14.
When the game released on other consoles earlier this year, sales didn’t meet expectations.
Do you think Yooka-Laylee coming to Switch can breathe new life into the game? Let us know in the comments below!