Author: Nerd Voices

Here at Nerdbot we are always looking for fresh takes on anything people love with a focus on television, comics, movies, animation, video games and more. If you feel passionate about something or love to be the person to get the word of nerd out to the public, we want to hear from you!

Video games are a hobby enjoyed by almost 3 billion people worldwide. While some play games like Fortnite and Warzone to relax, others take a more competitive approach, aiming to outlast opponents and win. For many, this means dedicating hours to honing skills, learning maps, and mastering various techniques. As streaming gains popularity, the drive to excel in games to become professional players or streamers is stronger than ever. However, not everyone is willing to invest this time and effort. Some players might opt for shortcuts to success, such as game cheats, one of the most effective being the aimbot.…

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Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency, and many casinos have added it to their systems. Today, you can find excellent platforms that specialize exclusively in crypto-based gambling. They offer an impressive range of entertainment, from blackjack to slots to sports betting. But which platform is the best? The industry of crypto gambling remains largely unregulated. Therefore, it is imperative to make sure the platform is safe before making a deposit. Our tips and guides on QYTO about Ethereum casinos will help you find a trustworthy website for players based in the UK. Here are five crucial factors to consider.…

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Whether you’re looking for the top characters in Mobile Legends or need a top-notch strategy, it’s always helpful to read guides that aid you on your way to becoming an unstoppable legend. What you may not know is that your account level plays a vital role in unlocking content and rewards along the way. With these Mobile Legends tips and tricks, we’ll show you how to quickly progress through the various levels. Understanding Celestial Levels When you finish tasks and fight battles, you receive experience (EXP) that levels up your account. When you reach level 30, you unlock Celestial Levels.…

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The economy of the twenty-first century keeps getting worse day by day. The new competitions that keep on coming up as potential threats to your market share do not help at all. In such times, becoming a successful entrepreneur is as difficult as ever. Getting your business to your desired heights amidst the changing trends in the market and evolving competition requires a certain strategy to be implemented. Since any organization’s source of success is its sales, it is safe to assume that a good sales department is the key to achieving prosperity. How can that be built, you might…

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The casino industry offers a variety of games that appeal to all types of players. On the other hand, slot machines are among the most common in the world and have been around for decades. Their music and application design draws a large number of players. Slot machine bets are simple to place and need no planning. When you walk into a casino, you’ll notice how many customers are lined up to play standard, radical, or video poker machines. Fans of both traditional and online casinos enjoy both of these activities. Many online casino setups, such as, provide a…

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Back from the 1970s-90s, many families captured their biggest moments with video cameras. Whether it was a birthday, a family event or even a camping trip, it was common for parents to break out the camcorder. These old home movies are full of cherished memories that are important to millions of families. Unfortunately, over time, these tapes will begin to deteriorate. Eventually, they will be completely unwatchable and their contents will be lost forever. As you can imagine, this can be very difficult for some families. Instead of just waiting for the clock to run out on these tapes, you…

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Who doesn’t love movie night? But instead of making the trek to the theaters, where social distancing and other COVID-19 mandates have altered the entire experience, try hosting it at home. You get to enjoy great movies without ever having to leave the comfort of your home. What goes into organizing movie night? Here are a few helpful hints for making it a memorable event that will become a regular occurrence. Invite Your Friends for Watching a Movie What makes movie night special is when you spend time with those you love. Invite over some friends to make it an…

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Right now, it might seem impossible to imagine a world without the internet and online casinos however, just thirty years ago, we weren’t able to make a bet over the internet. So, how exactly did we get to this abundance of online casinos in less than three decades? Keep on reading to find out more. The appearance of the first online casino As the internet started taking off commercially in the early 1990s, online gambling businesses also began appearing on the market. It is thought that the first online casino appeared in 1994 as something they call social casino, meaning…

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Hundreds of thousands of human beings around the globe look for images for non-public or professional work. You can efficiently utilize a search by image tool that encourages you to find similar photos online from the main search engines like google and yahoo. Search by image is the fastest & most appropriate online tool used to discover similar pictures over the internet. Users can seek through the picture, by keyword, or with the URL of the photo to find similar images, memes, profile pics, and wallpapers along with their place and possession records. PICTURE SEARCH – FIND SIMILAR PHOTOS Reverse…

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You’ve probably been hearing about cryptocurrency for years, but many people have been hesitant to make the investment for a variety of factors. Potential buyers worried about the security involved with making large purchases of Bitcoin and the potential for Bitcoin to lose value over time. Well, we’ve come a long way from those days, and bitcoin has seen a massive rise in popularity among investors. Today, investors in Bitcoin are looking for new and innovative ways to boost their convenience and the liquidity of their investment. Who knew that the answer to their wish would come in the form…

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