I want to start by saying hey, Andy Mushchietti, Nerdbot has been fan of yours for a long time. You had a lot working against you when it came to “The Flash.” And I mean A LOT. From your leading actor becoming a bit of a legal problem*, to the world-wide pandemic causing all manner of delays and changes.
That would make anyone’s experience with making a film kinda suck, right?

On top of all of that, you had the pressure of your movie being a pretty big studio tent-pole film. THE FLASH. Barry Allen! He’s one of the Justice League founding members! He’s already had a successful solo television show in the Berlanti-verse! He’s been a beloved DC Comics character since his debut in 1940!

Warner Bros. Pictures
You brought back Michael Keaton Douglas as Batman! That ALONE was reason to celebrate. You had SO MUCH going for you. But, as history will show, “The Flash” starring Ezra Miller did not do well. I won’t get into the specifics, because we all know how bad it was. And that’s unfair to so many of the creative professionals that worked so hard on turning in a finished film. I’m not mad AT THEM. After all, it is a director’s job to steer the ship.

But you, Andy Mushchietti, decided to blame it on women NOT KNOWING WHO THE FLASH IS?!
In a segment with Radio TU, Mushchietti explained why he thought “The Flash” failed.
“When you spend $200 million making a movie, Warner wants to bring even your grandmother to the theaters. And I found out in private conversations that a lot of people just don’t care about The Flash as a character. Particularly the two female quadrants. All that is wind going against the movie that I learned about.”
….so he decided to go the way of Bryan Singer.
What I mean is the time Singer, the director of “Superman Returns,” claimed the reason his film didn’t do as well as expected was because he made it for “more of a female audience.” Not because….I dunno…It wasn’t good. But because he made it “for women.” And OBVIOUSLY, women *sarcasm* dO’nT liKE COmiCs, so they didn’t support “the vision.”
Instead, why not blame the box office FAILURE on such things as…multiple delays due to a world-wide pandemic? The lead actor having multiple legal troubles? The internal structure at Warner Bros. DCEU falling apart? OR HOW ABOUT SOME THE WORST CGI AFFECTS IN MODERN MEMORY?!
But why would you ever blame it on those things when it’s so much easier to blame women.
Thanks. Really needed that this week.