Much like the actual solar eclipse happening April 8th, you’ll only get a small window to potentially experience a special chip. For a very limited time, you can try to win a bag of SunChips’ Solar Eclipse Chips.
Starting at 1:33pm (CST) on April 8th, you’ll want to visit the SunChips website to try and win a free bag of their ultra limited edition chips. The flavor combo is pineapple habanero which is the flavor they’ve assigned to the sun and a black bean spicy gouda which they’ve attributed to the moon. They will also be giving away an eclipse swag kit. All in the short time frame of 4 minutes and 27 seconds.
Of course if the chips don’t interest you and you’d much rather watch the solar eclipse live, that’s up to you. If you plan to, you’ll want to get a set of NASA-approved glasses. Personally I’d be trying to win the chips but we’ll see what happens. If you don’t want to run the risk of hurting your eyes you can watch it LIVE here beginning at noon CST.