“Goat” tells the story of a promising young athlete who is invited to train with a team’s retiring star. The part of the young athlete is currently undergoing screen-testing to find the right performer. Sources have said that Wayans will be playing the role of the retiring athlete.
Universal Pictures and Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw banner will be blending sports with psycholgial horror in their upcoming film “Goat.” The studios have also confirmed that Marlon Wayans (“Air: Courting a Legend”) will be starring in the new feature. It is directed by Justin Tipping (“Kicks”), based on a spec script by “Limetown”’s Zack Akers and Skip Bronkie.
Producers for the film include Peele, Win Rosenfeld, Ian Cooper, and Jamal Watson. Alongside Executive Producers David Kern and Kate Oh. Universal EVP Production Development Sara Scott and Director of Development Tony Ducret will oversee the project for the studio.
We will keep you posted on updates about “Goat” as they become available.