It’s not easy to be a celebrity. Especially if you’re someone who has been in anything big like say… “Star Wars.” Icon Mark Hamill has shared a video of himself being assaulted by multiple rude fans, insisting on getting an autograph from him. He labeled it #TheDownsideOfCelebrity.
In the video, you can hear Hamill being yelled at with instructions on where to sign the objects they’re shoving in his car. Comments on the post were mostly from others who’ve experienced the same thing, and those who apologized for general bad fan and human behavior.

There is a time and place for people to get autographs and pictures with celebrities, and it’s not out while they’re in public. The video in question was taken when Hamill appeared at the Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony for Carrie Fisher, which Hamill was a part of.

Many celebrities will appear at conventions and other fan events specifically FOR fans. You can get autographs and pictures with them while paying for their time, which you should expect to do for receiving a service. Yes, being asked for a signature and giving one is a service.
Not to mention the safety reasons that celebrities don’t want to be approached. Security at a convention is usually good enough so that they feel comfortable interacting socially with fans. Compare that to the utter lack of regard these individuals showed toward Mark Hamill.
He’s a saint for being so cool about it.