Premium silicone jewelry makers Enso Rings have just dropped three new rings for their “Star Wars” collection! This new May the 4th addition, will let fans across the galaxy express their allegiance to the “Empire” or “Resistance.” These brand-new designs are inspired by Jabba’s Palace, the Forest Moon of Endor, and Wicket.
The entire collection is a collaboration between Enso Rings with Lucasfilm to help celebrate “Star Wars” profound impact on pop culture, through carefully crafted and franchise-honoring story-inspired jewelry. These three new rings include:

Star Wars™ Silicone Rings – Forest Moon Of Endor™
Inspired by the Battle of Endor, this forest green ring shows Chewy and Han Solo in the planet’s beautiful forests. While the Death Star looms just over the horizon and an AT-ST stalks through the woods.

Star Wars™ Silicone Rings – Jabba’s™ Palace
This is a brown ring inspired by none other than Jabba’s Palace. It features and illustrated Jabba the Hutt hanging out on his throne surrounded by his confidants. But be careful, a rancor is lurking below this iconic scene.

Star Wars™ Silicone Rings – Wicket™
Ee chee wa maa! If you love Ewoks this is the ring for you, since it features the cuddly little rebel we all know as Wicket. This scene is laser-etched onto a DualTone ring with two complementary metallic colors.
All three rings measure 11.99 mm wide and 2.54 mm thick. They are made in the USA with the highest quality materials, setting the standard for luxury silicone rings. The rings feature a unique, flexible design, to keep them ultra comfortable even when your fingers or hand swell. As well as a breathable channel that promotes airflow to keep your fingers dry. And as a safety precaution, they are engineered with Anti Ring Avulsion Technology. Which allows the ring to break away from the finger if need be.
You can check out the full line here.