World of Warcraft for many players is a very time consuming game, especially when you consider how WoW gold farming can take several days to weeks. It’s one that you have to dedicate yourself to because if you don’t you’ll get frustrated at not being able to do end game content. The Dragonflight expansion came out November 22, 2022 and since then many players have been roaming around the Dragon Isles playing a Dracthyr, the newest race in WOW.
But what if you last played a few expansions ago? Shadowlands and Mists of Pandaria completely flew under the radar and the last thing you beat was Wrath of the Lich King? You might be worried that this game will take too much of your time. Maybe you’ve stopped playing games like World of Warcraft and are more ready to frequent online slots in Canada? Canadian gambling sites can be a fun way to earn some money while waiting for your que to pop. Instead of waiting and doing nothing you can be playing themed online slots!
If you’re like me you may want to read this before you decide to throw down money on a game that can be a huge time investment.
How easy is it to level?
Dragonflight is fairly straightforward as an expansion. You’ll need a character at least level 60 if you want to start off as an Evoker though. Because of that and the scaled down levels of your other characters it may be necessary to play a bit through Shadowlands until you reach that point. Then you can either continue to level that character or create a new Dracthyr toon.
Because of the handicap for those who haven’t played until now, it seems the developers have made it much easier to level. You can grind to 70 in 2 days if you really want to. For me, who’s a parent of two, I leveled about 2 levels a day playing only around 2-3 hours each time. My brother on the other hand had 3 level 70s in just over 4 days. It seems like they’ve taken into consideration that people who play are mostly in their 30s and have either a day job or other obligations during the day.
Quest Lines
The quest lines for Dragonflight are pretty fun too. If you know the lore then you know who Alexstrasza is. This lore goes back to the very beginning of the game and because of that those who want to jump in will find it easy to understand. The quests themselves are fun as well because a lot of it is hunting and gathering.
Group finder is also a wonderful tool that you can use to find groups for the quests that recommend them. For example killing a beast that they recommend 3-4 players to defeat you can find a group in under a minute to kill it. Again, making this a great game if you are on limited time. They seem to have remedied any situation that would leave you sitting there for an extended period of time before finding a group.
In Dragonflight part of the appeal is that you can fly your Dracthyr across the land. You are not allowed to use any in game flying mounts that you’d generally use elsewhere. For the Dragon Isles you’ll need to level up your flying abilities using either a dragon earned in the game or transforming your Drachthyr into its dragonform. The mechanics take some getting used to but there are Dragon Races all over that you can practice with while earning a bit of rep and gold at the same time. Eventually it comes naturally.
Cross Faction Play
One of the even cooler things is that you can play cross faction. This makes it so that ques pop faster than ever. Even if you’re Horde you can play on the Alliance side of a PVP battleground (you wear a disguise, it’s kind of cute). You can also raid with either faction so that makes it so that even if the server has a low amount of Horde or Alliance queuing up for Vault of the Incarnates you can still get in rather quickly. And since you can play and group cross-faction now it’s worth adding friends to your battletag friends list even if they’re on the opposite side.
Leveling Crafting Skills
There is a whole new way to level crafting. I’ve only leveled up Skinning and Mining myself because I want to make the most of my time when I play. Getting those two skills allows me to collect and sell on the auction house and turn a profit. But for other players who are going to craft other things like Tailoring or Enchanting they’ve now removed limits on what you can and can’t do.
Previously you had to be a certain level in enchanting to be able to disenchant an item. Now you can just disenchant whatever you want and it all adds to your leveling. And for me that makes it soooo much easier than when you had to go to the AH and pick and choose things to DE, costing a lot of gold.
In Game Side Quests
There are a ton of cool things you can do when you’ve completed leveling. Fishing for instance is one of my favorite things to do. Gaining rep with certain races will help you to get some cool accessories. Accessories can be anything from a toy you can use in game, a pet you can have with you or even more decorative like turning your weapon into a pitchfork. You’re also able to rock climb in this expansion and find lost packs with loot. They’ve even added a photography side quest that you can earn a title with. Literally everyone can enjoy this latest expansion because there is something for everyone.
If you think you’ll be interested in playing a Dracthyr then you’d probably really like this expansion. Since you don’t need to do the other quest lines from previous expansions you’re pretty much set if you want to play. I suggest finding a good guild and leveling with them, getting to know them and pugging a few raids until you get the hang of it.