Over the holidays, two drivers in Tralee, Ireland settled a dispute over a parking space in the most civilized manner possible. Their method you may ask? A game of rock, paper, scissors of course.
On December 23rd, Chloe Lawlor captured the moment of peak adulthood when she was behind two cars battling over a parking space. What we see are two drivers with their arms out the window. But instead of it coming to blows or screaming they are simply playing the classic game. The winner gets the space, and the loser drives off without any hesitation or argument.

The short video only shows two throws so we have no idea how the two decided on this solution in the middle of traffic. But we assume they were playing the standard, best 2 out of 3 rules. The video is also too grainy to make their hands out, but it seems the winning throw was with paper. So the loser must have picked rock. After the car drives off and the other goes to park we hear the videographer laugh and say “brilliant.” And that it truly was!
Lawlor posted the 9-second clip to Storyful, simply saying the video was shot in Tralee, County Kerry. The caption reads, “Only in Tralee.” We hope more drivers adapt this method of settling disputes in traffic.