A fan group has been asked to halt their “Resident Evil” and “Resident Evil Code: Veronica” video game remakes. The projects were being developed by Matt Croft, Briins Croft, and DarkNemesisUmbrella as free to play games. While these remakes have been in development for some time, it seems Capcom finally noticed, and officially asked them to stop.
Of course this all come just before the “Code: Veronica” remake was set to be released.
The team confirmed the news of the cancellation via the project’s official Twitter account on December 24th. A link to their Discord was provided, but seems to now be deleted or expired.
Some fans speculated the cancellation was due to the creators adding donation buttons for the projects, which could be viewed as them profiting from the project. But, the team insist the official reason given is the use of Capcom-owned characters, and the Resident Evil trademark. Legally speaking, they cannot use Resident Evil assets without the owner of the intellectual properties (IP) owners permission, even if they do not profit from the use.
The development team was also careful to stress this should not be taken as an indication of any plans Capcom has for the titles. A few fans started the rumor this remake drew so much attention, Capcom decided to remake it themselves. It’s possible the increased attention made it clear there was a demand for a remake of “Code Veronica.”
Capcom asking for the games to not be released is probably more just to protect their IP than anything else.
But if you need a “Resident Evil” fix, the official remake of 4 will be available on March 24th, 2023 for PC via Steam, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.