“The Witcher” fans are still angry about the announcement that Henry Cavill is no longer the White Wolf. As a massive fan of the books and video games, the actor was the indisputable perfect fit. With the announcement of his exit, the ire hasn’t ebbed. Many are demanding an explanation, while others started petitions to fire showrunner Lauren Hissrich and bring Cavill back. In the wake of the uproar, Hissrich has promised an explanation. Eventually.

“I do have a lot to say and I think that there’s a lot of, you know… we’ll obviously never get into exactly why Henry left, all of the reasons, but I can say it’s been a mutually respectful relationship,” Hissrich said. “So please, please, please come back in six months when we can talk.”
It’s doubtful any explanation will satisfy the masses. Diehard fans find Cavill’s departure wholly unacceptable. And if the reason truly is on the grounds of creative differences, that could mean deviation from the source material was too frustrating for Cavill to bear.

Many fans found the second season of “The Witcher” extremely frustrating. The first season followed the books fairly well. There was hope that — for once — a series adaptation would actually follow the plot of its source material. But the second season presented fans with several deviations that made little sense. And only seemed to exist for the purpose of blindsiding those who’d already read the books.
Overall, the direction “The Witcher” has taken is disappointing. Plot deviations and the replacement of the lead role might be the clincher to the series tanking entirely. Liam Hemsworth will be replacing Cavill as Geralt of Rivia. Extremely big, gruff shoes to fill. Given that showrunners insist they can make an adaptation “better” than its source, we’re doubtful “The Witcher” season 4 will be better than it’s predecessors.