Snoop Dogg has created yet another delicious delight for us under his Broadus Foods brand. Snoop Loopz is a brand new cereal that is available now! It will be available in stores nation wide soon as he and Master P, the brands’ CEO, declared a grocery store takeover.
Those who appreciate the finer details in cereals such as Fruit Loopz and Lucky Charms will be delighted to know that the master rapper Snoop Dogg has taken bits of both for his new cereal Snoop Loopz. But this cereal doesn’t just have sugar, it also has Vitamin D, Fiber and whole grain. And it’s gluten free!
When you buy a box directly from his site some of the proceeds go to the Door of Hope foundation. The Door of Hope helps the homeless and keeps them clothed and fed. They strive to keep families together and will even give them a warm bed to sleep in.
“The heartbreak of homelessness can’t be solved by providing a bed for the night, a hot meal and a shower, or financial assistance alone. We address the root causes of homelessness with our holistic approach, while simultaneously keeping families together. We listen to our families, give them a voice, advocate for them, and empower our families with the tools they need to succeed.”
So far there’s no word on which grocery stores will carry Snoop Loopz, but if we’re going based on who carries his wine it will probably be places like Walmart or Target.