Operation is a classic board game that is a nightmare if you have shaky hands and hate sudden loud noises. If you ask me, it’s the single most terrifying children’s game ever committed to a board. Despite the fact that it’s not intended to be scary, the idea of operating on a patient is scary enough in its own right; good thing the game doesn’t include malpractice lawsuits. But if you want even more of a challenge, and want to take the game on the go, Hasbro has you covered!

Behold the world’s smallest, official version of Operation. Coming in at only 2.75 in long, 1.75 in across, and .625 in tall, there’s very little margin for error in this thing. As you can see there’s also a reduced number of ailments to treat as well. The full size game has twelve, with this having only a third of them. There’s also some fairly awkward placement of where his charlie horse is, but that’s a different article for a completely different website.
If you haven’t played Operation before, the goal is to remove the object from the body without the metal tweezers touching the sides of the operation area, which are also metallic. The two surfaces coming into contact with each other completes an electric circuit which causes the patient’s lightbulb nose to light up and emits a buzzing sound. And when you’re intently focused on trying to pull the water bucket off of a guy’s knee, that buzzing sound is terrifying.
So if you think you have the dexterity to master an even smaller version of Operation than the one you’re used to playing, give this one a go and see if your patient lives. I’ll be honest, mine would die.
I can beat “Bloodborne,” “Elden Ring,” and all the “Dark Souls” games with no problem, but put in me in front of Operation and I’ll just forfeit out of understanding inevitable defeat. And yet still, the commercial jingle has been stuck in my head for decades.