While there have been many a cinematic universes that we nerds like to follow you may not have known about this one. ScubaSteph as she is known on social media has created the ever evolving FFCU, Fast Food Cinematic Universe.
How did the FFCU come to be? We Got to Ask Scubasteph herself and here’s what she said.
The FFCU (Fast Food Cinematic Universe) started back in November 2020. A simple video of me dressed as Ronald McDonald shoving fries into my friend’s mouth made people ask for more. Not long after I introduced Burger King played by my friend Colin K. Bass. We made a few videos but people kept asking for new characters. Fast forward to today, we now have 15 mascots and I plan to have more in the future.
You can follow each of these characters on TikTok. I’m certain you will enjoy seeing the shenanigans of Ronda McDonald and her closest pals. But do beware, these videos are like walking advertisements for the food chains and WILL make you hungry. I can’t tell you how bad I want a McFlurry right now because of them. Bon Apetit!
The running list of FFCU mascots includes:
- Ronda McDonald – Scuba Steph (@scubasteph)
- Burger King – Colin K Bass (@colinkbass)
- Wendy’s – Melissa Gomez (@thegirlsgotrhythm)
- Dairy Queen – Amber Palone (@pumadoescosplay)
- KFC – Joe Palone (@badmojo_art)
- Jack in the Box – Kurt Broz (@kurtbroz)
- Taco Bell – Jannelle Sanchez (@rnlucifer)
- Starbucks – Jessica Chancellor (@themaidofmight)
- Koolaid Man – Sean Swanson (@thetruekoolaidman)
- Carl’s Jr. – Gerry Kodo (@gerbear_fx)
- Tony the Tiger – Selwyn Huqueriza (@selweezyyy)
- The Hamburglar – Dade Elza (@dadelza)
- Pizza Hut – Meisha Mock(@meishamock)
- Arby’s – DJ (@dj2rivers)
- Sonic – Alyssa (@skateelf)