Before you have to skim this entire article to find what kind of car he was driving- it was a Subaru Forester. Now that you know, you’ll be able to associate that kind of car with extreme safety because this story is crazy. A man who was driving in San Diego County went through the guardrails and off a cliff landing in the ocean. He survived!
This happened around 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday in Carlsbad according to battalion chief Kevin Lynds of the Carlsbad Fire Department. Lynds said that the driver being alive is probably a testament to how well the car is made.
“Especially after going into the water, the fact that the patient is alive is probably a testament to the engineering of the car,” Lynds said. Lynds reported that the person who pulled the man from the wreckage was a former Marine corpsman. He didn’t stick around but he deserves a lot of credit, whoever he is.
Kaden Horan, who witnessed the crash, said it was pretty shocking to see. “He didn’t try to stop or anything, didn’t try to slow down, didn’t put his brakes on,” Horan said. “He just went right off.”
Authorities are still trying to determine the cause of the crash. Especially now since witnesses say that the driver didn’t try to slow down.
The Subaru Forester the 2021 version has a 5 star safety rating. Previous versions are also quite high up on the safety scale. Considering that the car saved the mans life I expect a lot more people will be looking into buying one of these in the future.