There are times when I can talk myself out of buying something, this is not one of them. Pokémon Center Online now has a giant 8.8 pound, 31 inch Psyduck you can use as a cuddle buddy. Now I already have the 24″ Build A Bear one with sound and all the accoutrements. But I think a fair argument would be that he needs a friend.
Psyduck is the spirit animal of many plagued with headaches and migraines when he gets stressed out. Even Psyduck in “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu” needed to hear calming sounds so he didn’t use his psychic powers. And sometimes I know we all can use a breather. He can be a constant reminder to you to take things one day at a time or just to try and relax a bit.
He’s a bit pricey though, plus you have to factor in the shipping. Check out the listing on by clicking the link here.