The Meg (2018) starred Jason Statham and grossed over $520 million worldwide as a surprise end of summer hit. So of course a sequel is in the works.

The Meg pitted Jason Statham and a group of scientists against a 75-foot-long megalodon shark. The film was a co-collaboration between U.S. and Chinese studios. Executive producer Catherine Xujun Ying indicated a sequel was in development last year but called it a “secret.”
When asked at SXSW, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura had this to say in an interview with CinemaBlend:
“We’re working on a script. Yeah. So you never know until you get a good script… I was very thankful that the audience got that we were just trying to have fun, (and) not take ourselves seriously at all.”
Director John Turtleaub will return for the sequel, and Jason Statham has even said that he would be open to returning for The Meg 2.
The Meg is based on a 1997 book titled Meg: A Novel Of Deep Terror by Steve Alten, who has written eight novels about the giant killer shark. Which means plenty of material for sequels.