Digimon Digital Monsters Digimon are the Champions! Remember Digimon back from 1997? Well they are still going strong as a franchise overseas in places like China and even have their own mobile game, Digimon Encounters. They released a new commercial spot recently where the Digimon are rivaling the live action look of Pokemon in Detective Pikachu. Take a look!
As you can see these live action characters are a little more reminiscent of the plastic figures they used to sell. Their bodies are smooth but articulate. The game itself looks a little more like Pokemon Go with the egg hatching element but there is also actual game play involved in it.
This game is probably going to stay exclusive to China but hey we can still check out the cute characters! Maybe someday Bandai Namco will make us our own version of the game. Or at least our own Digimon live action movie!
Would you play this if you could? Do you want Digimon to come back? Tell us in the comments!