According to the new IMAX schedule Avengers 4 may have been moved up by an entire month. Originally slated for May 3rd 2019 the schedule now shows April 2019 for theatrical release. The recent change reflects the date that was programmed for an international release date in April. states that it is possible that IMAX was accounting for the fact that Disney release date strategy that they did with Infinity Wars but for a company to make a release schedule it is highly unlikely that they would put in speculative information.
The general consensus is that Marvel is doing this to purposefully provide a spoiler free experience for the new movie. Marvel moved up the release date for Avengers:Infinity War for the exact reason of doing just that, to keep it spoiler free for anyone who wanted to see it.
If you remember when Infinity Wars was released you may also remember that fans were for the most part respectful of others. I don’t think I saw any Thanos memes until at least a full week after the movie had premiered.
What do you think of the potential move up in the schedule? Are you excited to get some answers to the questions you have after Infinity Wars? Tell Nerdbot in the comments!
*featured image from concept art for the new film