In 2016, Blizzard Entertainment presented the Overwatch franchise, which tells the story of how, several decades ago, South Korea was attacked by a vast omnic monster that rose from the bottom of the East China Sea. This giant destroyed coastal settlements and went back underwater. To neutralize the threat, the country’s government formed the MEKA mechanized brigade to protect cities from the existing danger. Such fears have proven to be justified, as every few years, the monsters return to attack South Korea and neighboring countries. They learn from each new battle and appear in different configurations. However, a team of superheroes, including D.Va, will do everything possible to protect the planet from mortal danger.
A few words about D.Va
Since the game is viral worldwide, many users plan D.Va cosplay for the party. Before coming up with your own image, we recommend you learn more about the character.
Hana Song, known as D.Va, regularly represented South Korea in international StarCraft competitions. When the girl turned 16, she received the title of the best player in StarCraft and confirmed this title for the next three years.
At age 19, Hana was drafted into MECA’s mech pilot unit to defend the coastline from the adapting omnic clan known as Kuishin. D.Va has proven herself a fearless pilot ready for heroic deeds for the sake of her country.
D.Va broadcasts her fights online, allowing her to build an army of fans worldwide. Her fame led her to appear in films and commercials.
Appearance and character of D.Va
D.Va is a young and stylish girl wearing a headdress that looks like headphones, a white and blue jumpsuit covered with logos, white gloves, and shoes. She has long brown hair and eyes and pink paint on her face.
Despite his young age, D.Va is a formidable opponent. Taunting her enemies on the battlefield, she lures them into a trap to ruthlessly destroy them. A bold and self-confident girl, she often shows her selfish side because D.Va knows how good she is.
D.Va is very loyal to her fans and is always ready to thank them for their help in the fight against a dangerous enemy. Since the character has experience in the professional gaming industry, she often mentions video games during everyday conversations.
The primary abilities of the heroine
Cosplay involves imitating a character’s appearance and behavior and using his main attributes, including weapons. The character D.Va received different types of weapons and abilities:
- Fusion cannons: D.Va’s primary weapon on the mech. This mech can fire successive bullets at the desired location, reminiscent of a shotgun. D.Va can fire shots quickly without needing to reload, but her movement is slowed by 40% while shooting. Fusion cannons have 11 bullets per shot and a large spread.
- Light gun: D.Va’s main weapon after her fusion cannons are destroyed. Such a light gun deals much damage with fast (but not hitscan) bullets. This high-precision weapon allows you to destroy targets at long distances.
- Boosters allow the character to move through the air, easily change directions, and damage all enemy heroes crossing her path.
- The Defense Matrix creates a shield that blocks all enemy projectiles that attempt to harm D.Va.
- Micro missiles allow her mech to launch missiles near it.
- Self-destruct: this is a mode in which a mechanical reactor is activated and causes a colossal explosion upon ejecting D.Va, damaging enemies and causing all ammo around it to detonate.
D.Va’s character design and gameplay received a positive reception from critics and video game fans. The character tops numerous popularity charts, is often chosen by cosplayers, and is considered both a feminist icon and a gaming sex symbol.