There are over 100 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, yet the one that people have focused on is THC, the compound that gets you “high.”
Thankfully, in recent years, we’ve slowly shifted our focus to other cannabinoids with promising potential, such as CBD, CBG, and CBN. And what’s great is, many of these have the same benefits as THC, but without the debilitating psychotropic effects!
If you haven’t heard of these cannabinoids, then you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll discuss cannabinol (CBN) in more detail, including whether it’s natural or synthetic.
What Is Cannabinol (CBN)?
Cannabinol is actually the first cannabinoid to ever be extracted from cannabis, which is surprising, given that the most well-known and researched cannabinoid is THC. Scientists first isolated CBN in 1896 since they believed it was what made cannabis intoxicating. Of course, we know better now.
What’s interesting is that CBN is a byproduct of THC. This means that as a plant matures, its THC breaks down from oxidation, and its “waste product” is CBN.
Both act on your endocannabinoid system (ECS) by binding with the CB1 receptors. Since it’s derived from THC, CBN can have slight intoxicating effects. However, they’re pretty negligible.
Is CBN Natural or Synthetic?
This is a trick question because CBN is both natural and synthetic. As you’ve seen from the above information, you’ll find this cannabinoid in cannabis plants, which makes it natural.
However, this compound is essentially a second form of THC, which means it needs to go through biosynthesis to become CBN. So you can get higher amounts of natural CBN in your marijuana simply by letting it age.
To further complicate matters, you’ll also get man-made CBN. It’s time-consuming and not cost-effective to derive CBN from THC, so labs will synthesize it from CBD or CBG instead. For example, if you buy CBN isolate in bulk, then it’ll definitely be derived from those two cannabinoids instead of THC.
What Are the Benefits of CBN?
Regardless of which type of CBN you use, there are potential benefits you can enjoy. For one, it’s possible for CBN to magnify the psychotropic effects of THC, so you can get more bang for your buck.
Some users report that CBN products helps them sleep too. It possibly has a calming effect, so some users find it helpful for anxiety and increasing relaxation.
Other uses that CBN shows promise for include brain health, anti-inflammation, and pain relief.
CBN Can Be Useful
Now that you know what cannabinol (CBN) is, and whether it’s natural or synthetic, this should hopefully put you more at ease with this cannabinoid.
Do remember that research on cannabinoids is still in its early stages, so keep your eyes peeled. And when using any cannabis products, check with your local laws to ensure you’re not breaking any.
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