If you love Pokémon and are looking for a new neighborhood to move to, you may wanna check out this Las Vegas area subdivision. This new neighborhood in particular will have their streets named after Pokémon. You can live on the cross streets of Jigglypuff and Charmander, or have a nice quiet home on Snorlax Lane.
The lot is in in Henderson, Nevada where some of the homes are still under construction with a handful of them already developed and homeowner’s fully moved in. Serenity Place is the newest project by Harmony Homes and its street names were inspired from their construction manager’s own home. Andrea Miller has been known before to name projects and streets after what her kids were into. This time with her boys being 14 and 11 and super into Pokémon, her conclusion was to take some of the iconic characters and names and submit them to the city. Some of which were approved with the silliest being Jigglypuff.

“When I hear Jigglypuff, I giggle,” Miller said. “When you’re coming home from work and you had a bad day and you have to turn on Jigglypuff Lane, that will make you smile.”
The first time she did this was with a housing community called Blue Ridge where the streets were named after “Paw Patrol” characters. “My kids were also obsessed with that at the time,” said Miller. “Chase Street,” “Rubble Avenue,” and “Yumi Court” are all places you can live there.
While this may not be conventional nerds all over the planet are excited that it’s happening. For me being a “Sailor Moon” fan I’ve often loved names like Jupiter Street Or Ceres Ave. So these Pokémon names will be a big draw for people like me who are looking to settle down somewhere nerdy. Hopefully that means that those who move in will stop their neighbors to have conversations about the latest Pokémon game or comic book that catches their eyes. Big bonus if people get pets and name them things like Growlithe. I’d love a community that yells after their Pokémon named pets, you know for the immersive experience.