From Dungeons & Dragons to RISK, there are many beloved board games that have entertained millions of people over the years. Thanks to the power of the internet, they’re now available to play online as well. With so many to choose from, though, it’s hard to decide where to start. Some people prefer high-stakes games that involve elaborate storylines and mythical worlds. Others prefer games on sites like Foony that still require strategy, but aren’t quite as complex, like online 4 in a row.
The question is, which online game will turn out to be your new favorite? Keep reading to explore some awesome online board games that can keep you entertained for hours.
#1: HeroQuest
A game that pits good against evil, HeroQuest is a dungeon crawl game system that requires its heroes to work together. They must find hidden treasures, complete quests, and defeat the evil forces that stand in their way. In the online version of the game, the role of Zargon the evil sorcerer is filled by the game itself, rather than being played by one of the participants. The other players choose between the characters of Wizard, Elf, Dwarf, and Barbarian.
The online version of HeroQuest is very similar to the physical version, with the same epic artwork, immersive worldbuilding, and perilous adventures. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, so the way they respond to each challenge will be unique. They must pass through the fourteen levels, and each move is determined by rolling the dice. For each adventure that’s completed successfully, the character will earn money. This can be used to purchase vital equipment like armor and weapons, which will help them get through subsequent levels.
#2: Warhammer Underworlds: Online
Warhammer games have undergone a few different iterations, including changing storylines and even a sci-fi spinoff in Warhammer 40,000. This being the case, it’s only fitting that it should have an online version as well. Participants can lead their fighters to death and glory in this dice-and-cards combat strategy game. Set in the realms of the Age of Sigmar (just like the original game), Warhammer Underworlds: Online has warbands pitted against each other in an eternal struggle for victory. It’s a high-stakes game with endless strategic possibilities – and a high replay value as well.
Players can join the Blood Warriors of Khorne, who use their Flesh Hound to tear their enemies to pieces, or the Stormcast Eternals, who fight with heaven-forged weapons. The more foes you vanquish, and the more objectives you achieve, the more Glory points you’ll win. A 20-card power deck is used to help with strategizing, as it’s full of gambits and upgrades that can be used to inflict maximum damage on your enemies. The 12-card objective deck is used to inform an approach to individual matches; by fulfilling specified conditions, you’ll win more Glory points.
#3: Dungeons & Dragons
One of the most popular role-playing games (RPGs) available, Dungeons & Dragons has shaped the world of hobby board games since it was released in 1974. The Dungeons & Dragons world is heavily inspired by medieval Europe, while also leaning heavily on fantasy for its fascinating storylines and characters. For Dungeons & Dragons Online, the setting is in Eberron. This is a fantasy world that contains both magical and technological elements.
When selecting their character class, players have plenty of choices. There are the melee-based classes like paladins, barbarians, and fighters. Anyone who wants to cast spells should choose a wizard, sorcerer, or cleric. Specialist classes include rangers, bards, rogues, monks, and favored souls. There are monsters to fight, battles to win, traps to escape, and more. As an open-ended game in which there isn’t technically a winner, a Dungeons & Dragons session can be as long or as short as the players want it to be. Realistically, though, they tend to be pretty long; most players just can’t bear to see a good campaign end!
#4: RISK
The goal of this game is to triumph over opponents with successful warfare strategies. Players can battle on sci-fi, futuristic, and fantasy maps, engage in war games with zombies, and combat Axis Powers in a WWI setting. They build armies, forge alliances, lead their troops on the battlefield, and win glorious victories against their foes. There are millions of players to compete against, so you can have fun watching your ranking climb as you win more battles. Most people engage in real-time battles with whoever else happens to be playing, but it’s also possible to coordinate with friends so that you can all fight together – or against each other!
#5: Diplomacy
There’s plenty of strategy in this game, but it’s considerably less battle-oriented. It has one simple objective: to own at least half of the supply centers in Europe, putting you in control of the game. Rather than taking turns, players go through a negotiation period, write down their moves, and then implement their moves simultaneously. It’s a game that’s jokingly known for making or breaking friendships. In order to win, players must make alliances, strike bargains, or stab people in the back – whatever it takes to advance their cause.
The game is set in Europe, with up to seven players taking the roles of various European countries. Each player has to strike a balance between defending their own supply centers, and taking others. Territories get invaded, lands are taken, and borders are shifted. Since online Diplomacy is played in real time, this takes a fair degree of coordination between players. Depending on which website you’re using, you may be able to see each player’s ranking (including your own). This ranking shows how reliable they are in keeping up with games; the higher the ranking, the easier it will be to join or create new games.
The takeaway
Of all the hobby board games that exist, these are some of the most popular. If you want to find out why for yourself, it’s easier than ever. Simply find one of these games online, and start playing!