If you talk to almost anyone you meet, you will likely discover they are quite familiar with credit card debt. They either currently struggle with it, or they had it at one time and were able to eliminate it. When you amass a large amount of debt, you invariably will ask yourself if a debt relief program is an option you should consider. Freedom, National, and Accredited are the top three debt relief companies overall.
Now, you might be wondering what does Freedom Debt Relief do? How can they help?
Like many of these programs, Freedom Debt Relief is a debt settlement services and freedom debt financial company. This means they negotiate with your creditors on your behalf in a collective attempt to lower the overall amount of unsecured debt you owe. This could be credit cards, private student loans, medical bills, or even personal loans. They do this by helping you lower the interest rate, have interest charges forgiven, or securing an agreement to close the account and settle the balance for less than what is owed. Mortgages, vehicle loans, and federal student loans are not included in this type of debt.
Becoming Your Liaison
Once you complete their assessment and are approved for enrollment into their program, you have a partner going forward to work with your creditors in your stead. You’ll begin the process with an onboarding call where a representative will confirm the number of accounts you’re enrolling and total debt amount, discuss the details of the agreement, and provide you with digital copies via email of everything for you to sign.
Afterward, a folder will be mailed to you with printed copies and a booklet with complete details on the entire process. This booklet also contains FAQs and the various methods to get in touch with the company.
One of the biggest ways you receive help at www.freedomdebtrelief.com is through them furnishing you with the contact information you’ll use to replace what currently exists in your enrolled accounts. This is a source of relief for a lot of customers who have gone so far as to either disconnect their phones or put them on silent in an attempt to avoid the incessant creditor calls asking when they’re going to pay. Now, calls and emails will go to Freedom Debt Relief. In the event you still receive a call, you’re free to tell them you’re working with a debt settlement company and disconnect.
Tools Freedom Debt Relief Gives You
In addition to that booklet you’ll receive, freedom debt financial provides a dedicated account online where you’ll be able to track every bit of activity along the way.
This is where you’ll see every account enrolled, the amount of money you’ve paid into the program, notifications of successful settlement agreements, plus the step along the payoff journey you’ve reached. There’s a detailed graph provided for a visual summary. You have full control of your deposits and can renegotiate at any time. The more money in your dedicated account, the faster Freedom can settle your debt.
If you ever wish to add or subtract any debtor, you can also do that through the online account. Be advised, though, that adding to your amount will likely increase the length of time you’ll be enrolled in the program.
What You Need to Know
Typically, the entire program lasts from 2-4 years, or anywhere from 24-48 months for the average customer.
Nothing is due up front. Instead, you will pay additional percentage-based fees to the Freedom debt financial company for their services, but not until a settlement agreement has been reached. Your credit score will also take a hit at the start and middle of the process.
Freedom Debt Relief is fully transparent and quick to respond, with an A+ rating at the Better Business Bureau. You can trust them to do what they promise.