“White Snake” is a 2019 animated movie directed by Ji Zhao and Amp Wong. It’s a breathtaking visual experience that tells a timeless story of love, betrayal, and redemption. The movie is a retelling of the Chinese legend of the White Snake, which has been passed down for centuries in various forms of art, literature, and drama.
The story of the White Snake is a classic tale of love and loss, set in the backdrop of ancient China. The movie begins with a beautiful white snake demon named Bai Su Zhen, who falls in love with a mortal man named Xu Xian. Bai Su Zhen takes on human form to be with Xu Xian, and they begin a happy life together. However, their happiness is short-lived when a vengeful monk named Fahai discovers Bai Su Zhen’s true identity and sets out to destroy her.
Fahai is the main antagonist of the movie. He is a vengeful monk determined to destroy Bai Su Zhen and other demon spirits. Fahai is a complex character driven by a sense of duty and righteousness. He believes that he is doing the right thing by trying to rid the world of demon spirits, but his prejudices and beliefs also blind him. He is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it hurts innocent people.
The movie explores themes of identity, love, and sacrifice. It highlights the struggle between human desires and the forces of nature. The characters are beautifully drawn, and the animation is stunning. The visuals are breathtaking, and the attention to detail is impressive. The movie is a masterpiece of visual storytelling, and it perfectly captures the White Snake legend’s essence.
One of the movie’s most striking aspects is the animation’s attention to detail. The characters are beautifully rendered, and their movements are incredibly lifelike. The landscapes and backgrounds are also stunning, and they transport the audience to the magical world of ancient China. The attention to detail is evident in every frame of the movie, and it’s a testament to the skill and dedication of the animators.
The music is also a highlight of the movie. The soundtrack is composed by Tan Dun, an Academy Award-winning composer, and it adds another layer of emotion to the story. The music enhances the visuals and complements the storytelling perfectly.
Overall, “White Snake” is a must-watch for fans of animated movies, Chinese folklore, and epic romance. The film is a visual and emotional masterpiece that will leave a lasting impression on the viewer. The storytelling, animation, and music are all outstanding, and it’s an actual work of art. The movie has received critical acclaim and has won multiple awards, including the Best Animated Feature award at the 2019 Golden Rooster Awards. It’s a must-see for anyone who appreciates the beauty and power of animated storytelling.
Article submitted by Meng Ling – Founder of the online boutique Snakes Jewelry & Fashion passionate about reptiles, and fantasy.