Everyone has one or more spirit guides. So do you! A spirit guide supports someone during life. They help you by giving you energy or insights. But what is a spirit guide? And what can you ask your spirit guide? You can read it in this blog.
What is a spirit guide?
A spirit guide is an energy that is with you through your life. These spirit guides are there to protect you, advise you and guide you. Spirit guides are usually souls you already know from previous lives, such as a deceased mother, grandmother, uncle or friend. There is a difference between angels and spirit guides. Angels are light creatures who (usually) do not live or have lived on earth. Spirit guides are souls who are not currently incarnated. So your spirit guide can be a young soul or an old soul. Everyone has one permanent guide and several non-permanent guides who support you in what you experience in this life, such as: love, work and study. Angels are also there to protect you and provide insights, but they are an overarching energy. Angels you call upon or ask a specific question, while guides assist you daily.
What can you ask your spirit guide?
At first, you can’t do anything wrong to your spirit guides. The spirit guides choose you to help you through life. They choose to guide you. To become a guide, a soul must do something very special: they must do a transformation process in which they leave their self-interest behind. When a soul has become a guide, it no longer thinks in ‘me, myself and I’. It does not relate anything to itself. Therefore, you cannot do anything wrong with your guide. Your spirit guides love you unconditionally and are always there for you. Guides do not judge or force you to do anything. They only want the best for you. That’s why they love to help you. That is also why you cannot ask anything wrong of your guides. It is very important that you realize this. Never feel guilty or ashamed towards your guides. Do you need help to ask something to your spirit guide or do you want to learn more about it? You can book a soulmate reading. They will tell you more about spirit guides.