The origins and history of Halloween are varied and all very interesting. From pagan roots to attempts of Christian disdain, it is one occasion that gets everybody excited and talking. The different costumes are inspired by innate beliefs or the most popular thing of the time. Still, one thing is for sure – Halloween is an occasion that allows people to express themselves differently through their chosen articles of clothing.
Over the years, Halloween decorations have evolved a great deal, some getting spookier by the year, others getting less scary to accommodate evolving tastes. Whatever your preference may be, the Lidl weekly ad has all you need for your Halloween decor. And if you aren’t keen on real pumpkins, they have LED inflatable ones at $12,99. There are other spooky types there too, like bats and scarecrows to add to your spooky Halloween theme. An excellent variety and good deal, we think. You can also add some black Agus chuck roast at $4,98/lb to help you carry over the Halloween theme into your dinner.
For those looking to have a Halloween experience outside of home, this article is for you! From the spooky to the downright scary, we have destinations that are sure to give you a memorable Halloween.
1. Netherworld Haunted House – Atlanta, Georgia
Netherworld is one of the most famous haunted houses in the United States. This is due to the amount of detail that has gone into making it as realistic and believable as possible! It is owned by a movie company, so the actors are convincing, the props realistic, and the overall atmosphere exactly what you would expect in a haunted house. If you are prone to nightmares or tend to dream about what you’ve seen, it’s best to stay away from this one! For one of the scariest Halloweens of your life, visit this haunted house.
2. Asylum Haunted House – Denver, Colorado
If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be in a psychological thriller, this is exactly the right place to visit! It is a haunted house that is created on the premise of it being a mental institution housing the spooky and mentally unstable all in one breath. You will be haunted and startled by the ‘patients’ as you do your tour. Some will startle you, others will outright frighten you. Again, if you’re prone to nightmares, do not visit this house. If you have the gumption for an experience that will mess with your mind for a little bit and come out unscathed, this is the haunted house for you!
3. Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party – Disneyland
For some Halloween fun that is family-friendly, more for the little ones, Mickey has something special for you! Disneyland is the most child-friendly place on earth, and in keeping with that theme, Halloween is certainly not an exception! You will meet Disney characters geared up for Halloween in their themed costumes and it will be good fun for the whole family! There are plenty of activities for the family to engage in, making this event one of the best ones in the country.