It’s no secret that leveling a character to the maximum level in classic WoW takes a lot of time. Players need to constantly run to the class trainer for new abilities, move around the world without vehicles right up to level 40, visit a variety of locations for the sake of a single task, and so on. For many players, leveling up in WoW can be a real headache. That is why in this article we have collected key aspects that can help you in this difficult task.
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How long does it take to level up to level 60 in WoW?
On average, it takes about 12 days or more of active game time to level up a character to level 60. If you want to start mastering high-level content as quickly as possible, carefully read everything that is written below. Many people think that there is not much point in high-speed pumping, but if a quick result is still important to you, you can save some time by using our tips.
Also, the Playcarry team of professionals will always be happy to help you with pumping. Playcarry WoW Shadowlands leveling boost is the first thing to consider if you don’t want to spend hundreds of hours of your time leveling. Entrust this business to Playcarry professionals!
Equipment for pumping
The correct selection of equipment will slightly increase the pumping speed, but you should not attach too much importance to it – for example, go to the Deadmines ten times for the Charcoal Staff. For the same time that you spend on the Deadmines, you will pump the character to a level where you no longer need the staff. However, if you’re playing a melee character, be sure to find yourself a good weapon (you can get it as a quest reward or buy it from the auction if funds allow). You should also remember that all classes and specializations require such a characteristic as a spirit. Spirit increases mana and health regeneration outside of combat, and the higher the speed, the less often you will have to eat/drink to restore strength. So, if during pumping you managed to get an item with a spirit, feel free to put it on.
Every two levels, the character gains new abilities for each of the three specializations. Abilities are taught by class trainers that are located in large cities. However, if you run to the trainer every two levels, you will waste too much time. In addition, some abilities are not used at all during pumping, and there is no point in learning them. You can see the full list of abilities available to your character and determine the levels at which you need to contact a trainer. For example, instead of returning to the city at levels 22, 24, 26, and 28, you can visit the trainer twice – at levels 22 and 28.
Quests in the dungeons
When pumping, pay special attention to tasks that lead to dungeons. Before searching for a group, try to collect all the available tasks so that you do not have to go again. From the point of view of the time/experience ratio, pumping in dungeons is inefficient (especially if you take into account possible wipes and other misunderstandings), and you get a lot of experience tasks (in some cases, two or three tasks give you a whole level at once). Some dungeon quests are part of long storylines and involve long journeys across locations and continents. If you want to level up as quickly as possible, it is better to refuse such tasks. The most profitable tasks for pumping are performed in the following dungeons:
• Uldaman (41+)
• Zul’Farrak (42+)
• Maraudon (46+)
• Blackrock Depths (52+)
Use the Stone of Return
Arriving at a new location, find the owner of the tavern and take the Stone of Return from him. In the classic version of the game, the Stone of Return can be used once per hour, and this is very beneficial despite the large cooldown. The Stone of Return is a valuable resource, but many players ignore it. Watch the cooldown and be sure to use the stone if it is available.
Minimize travel time
Most of the “extra” game time is usually spent on moving the character from point A to point B. Try to spend as little time as possible on moving and get the most out of each trip (or dash). Health, mana, rage, and energy trying to turn into experience, killing monsters along the way. Moving with a full supply of resources, you miss out on opportunities, including those from passive regeneration.
Earn gold
When pumping, players often complain about the lack of space in their inventory and bank. Be sure to get an additional banker character and mail him items that you might need someday. The banker can store equipment, materials for professions, and so on. Unnecessary items can be auctioned off (using the same character). Do not sell items to merchants that other players may need and therefore bring you extra money.
Forget about professions for a while
Leveling professions at the same time as leveling a character is fun and interesting, but very time-consuming. The exceptions are skinning, mining, and herbalism. Professions aimed at crafting items also require financial investments and being in the city in AFK mode. First aid is required for all characters, regardless of race and class, but cooking and fishing are best pumped at the maximum level.
Plan your vehicle purchase
At level 40, any character can purchase a mount with a 60% speed bonus. Be sure to save the required amount by this time. When leveling, try not to waste your gold – don’t pay the trainer for abilities you don’t use, don’t buy items from the auction at inflated prices, and so on. Once you reach level 30, remember about your upcoming purchase, and save wherever you can. The running speed is low, and the locations in the classics are large, so it’s impossible to play for fun without transport.
Optimize the job execution process
Quests in WoW Classic are non-linear, so you should plan your travel route. In some cases, the text of the task does not give a direct answer to the question of where to go. If you have taken several tasks in a certain city, first complete all the tasks, and then go turn them in so as not to waste time running around.
Talents and Optimal Specializations
In the classic character, specialization is of great importance. By choosing the right specialization, you will save a lot of time! If your character belongs to a hybrid class, level up in the fighter specialization, even if at the maximum level you plan to become a healer or a tank. At low levels, hybrids (such as Fury Warriors or Shadow Priests) can successfully tank or heal in dungeons without changing talents. When choosing talents, give preference to options that:
• Increase movement speed
• Increase the rate of replenishment of resources
• Give bonuses to accuracy and critical hit
• Increase the maximum supply of resources
Every two levels, the character gains new abilities for each of the three specializations. Abilities are taught by class trainers that are in large cities. However, if you run to the trainer every two levels, you will waste too much time. In addition, some abilities are not used at all during pumping, and there is no point in learning them. For example, instead of returning to the city at levels 22, 24, 26, and 28, you can visit the trainer twice – at levels 22 and 28.
We hope that our tips for leveling up to level 60 in WoW were useful to you. However, if leveling becomes a big problem for you, don’t forget that Playcarry WoW Shadowlands leveling Boost will always come to your rescue.
Happy pumping!