In 2017, FX premiered the X-Men adaptation “Legion” starring Dan Stevens (“Abigail”) as mutant David Haller. The son of Charles…
Search Results: Aubrey Plaza (33)
Fans of “Scott Pilgrim” comics, games, and film may be excited to see this newest reveal from Netflix for their…
Marvel Studios’ upcoming “WandaVision” spinoff series has a new name. When first announced, the Disney+ show was originally titled “Agatha:…
“Megalopolis,” the highly anticipated passion project of Francis Ford Coppola, is the latest film to get an interim agreement with…
We are VERY excited to share the first teaser for Netflix’s upcoming “Scott Pilgrim” anime series! The voice cast includes…
We hope you are amply prepared to rock because Sex Bob-omb is back! Last year it was announced the 2010…
Multiple sources close to HBO’s “The White Lotus” claim season 3 of the hit series will take place in Thailand.…
“Living With Chucky” is a new documentary that dives deeper into the killer doll franchise, “Child’s Play.” Kyra Elise Gardner…
Filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola will go down in cinema history as one of Hollywood’s greatest directors. Along with “The Godfather”…
I will continue to say this over and over until it sticks: there are plenty of movies to see, you…