Turns out it IS easy being old if you’re “Howl’s Moving Castle,” which returns to theaters for its 20th anniversary…
Search Results: Studio Ghibli (79)
Ghibli Park has been getting a rash of male patrons sexually harassing the mannequins of female characters, and the park is doing nothing.
This cosplayer went next level on this amazing Studio Ghibli Soot Sprite build they showed off during Dragon Con 2022!
Well, we know what project Studio Ghibli and Lucasfilm are doing! As announced today, “Grogu and the Dust Bunnies,” a…
Studio Ghibli has teased a possible collaboration with Lucasfilm. Is a Star Wars crossover finally happening?!
The Ghibli Park is about to open to the public and a mashup video of a dozen news broadcasts on Japanese television shows a rare inside look.
Studio Ghibli released an image of Calcifer holding a blank sign that teachers can use in their classrooms!
More beautiful statues are coming from Studio Ghibli. This time featuring Heen from “Howl’s Moving Castle”
Legendary director Hayao Miyazaki is coming out of retirement to make one more film for Studio Ghibli. He originally announced…
The concept art for Studio Ghibli’s theme park is stunning! Check out all of the places you’ll recognize from the films.